Darren Korb

About Darren
Darren hails from the exciting and completely flat city of San Jose, CA, which afforded him with the peace and solitude in which to follow his muse and hone his musical craft from a young age (and play a lot of D&D). Darren is a composer and musician who’s worked in film and television, in addition to authoring songs for the Rock Band network – something that combines his lifelong love of music with his lifelong love of games. It tells you something about this guy that in 2010 he reigned as the Rock Band 2 national champion. Seriously, you should see the photos. At Supergiant Games, Darren is a one-man band who provides all of our outstanding audio, from creating sound effects to recording all the voiceover that brings our games to life, and, of course, to crafting the award-winning and unforgettable musical scores so vital to the atmosphere. He also seems to know more good places to eat than anyone who has ever lived.