Rebecca Shirley
Tutti Violin

About Rebecca
Rebecca grew up in Melbourne and Tokyo, and began violin lessons in the Netherlands at the age of eight. She subsequently studied with Reinette Thiadens of the Conservatorium of Amsterdam, and Canadian violinist Marcelle Mallette, before completing her VCE at The MacRobertston Girls High School. In 2008, Rebecca graduated with first-class honours in music performance from The University of Melbourne, studying with Wilma Smith. She continued her orchestral education on two overseas tours with The Australian Youth Orchestra, performing throughout China, Europe, and the United Kingdom. As chamber orchestra leader for South Australia's Co-Opera Inc. she again travelled extensively throughout Europe and Asia, and delighted in introducing live classical performance to some of the most isolated communities in Australia.
Rebecca has been a frequent guest musician with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, and is active in the city's commercial music scene as a performer for live television, studio recordings, and touring artists. A long-time lover of opera and ballet music, she accepted her permanent position with Orchestra Victoria in January 2018, and treasures the season later that year of Wagner’s Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg with Opera Australia as a career highlight. Rebecca plays a violin made in 2005 by Adrian Studer, of Nelson, New Zealand.
Rebecca Shirley's Tutti Violin position is generously supported by Mr Andrew Fairley AM.